Hello all and Happy New Year!
Here's my first vlog for the year woohoo~~! Nothing too glamarous as the title suggest but it's been quite a year end. I initially planned to have more videos up but with the recent happenings in Malaysia, some of my priorities shifted and just to not be KY or can't read the air, I try not to post some videos. But it's mostly time constraint #adulting
It's a lil' unbelievable another year living with the pandemic just came to an end. I can't say that 2021 is a completely terrible year because there were good things (like not getting the virus) that happened. There are 1001 things I'm grateful for. I hope 2022 will be a way-y-y better year for all of us! Stay resilient & healthy and may the year bring plenty of joyous news for y'all! Cheers~~