Friday, 9 February 2018

The BIG Day!!!

Today's post is about my sis' big day which was just last month.! I just remembered I haven't blog about this OMG! So here it is TADAAA~~

Malaysian Chinese Wedding

Who knew preparing for a wedding can be so hectic... I just found out if you have a disorganized couple _ one of them happens to be a family member of mine_ they will drive you crazy especially more if you are the ones making things happen. After the wedding, I was so drop dead tired it took a few days' worth of sleep to get back in shape! And when I thought jet lag was worse, something topped it.

When I got home, I told my gal pal, "Reject (being a bridesmaid) at all cost!" to the amusement of her boyfriend.

Malaysian Chinese Wedding

My sis' little ball of fluff~ I miss her so much! She kept getting prettier and rounder XD

DISCLAIMER: I didn't get to snap a lot of photos so these were contributed by my sis' friends and Jim, our photographer for the day.

Started off on Saturday trying to make the house look as though humans actually lives in it, tons of sweeping, mopping, shifting furnitures and all. Can you believe it was on the eve of the wedding?! OMFG moments literally. Didn't help I was still running errands all the way up to midnight and we had to wake up at 4PM. Half an hour later to be exact because we were that beat.

Then there was rushing through getting ready the games for the groom and his friends. The game went pretty alright for most of us first timers in this whole wedding door game business. Somehow we managed to get quite a lot of ang pows from the guys, we ended up asking 5x more than intended! So much the best men were saying we gals are ah longs. Ahahahahaha! #SoMuchWins

Mom & I~


 These are most of the photos which I can pose. The sis didn't want her pics up, personal preferences stuff. So I just loaded the one I took during the luncheon LOL

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Happy New Year & Happy Thaipusam!

Hello internet~! Happy New Year & Happy Thaipusam!
I know I've been MIA-ing, it is always for the same reason_ work, work and work. I really don't like mentioning about work but the past few weeks have been all about meetings or preparing for meetings. So when I do have time for myself, I go to full hibernation mode like today.
Aside from pigging around, baby-sitting my housemates' poodle who loves cuddles on bed (Awwww) and starting to binge-eating on CNY cookies (pineapple tarts, nut cookies, kuih bangkit and now salted egg dragon beard OMG so yummy!), the past weeks have been about playing In-Between, Uno, Cho Tai Tee and now Mahjong Rummy, a game one of my housemate got the rest of my housemates _me included_ addicted LOL. We sure hope this addiction last until CNY which is in two weeks ! But thankfully, some of my housemates doesn't want to play with cash so that's safer for my wallet. Boy, can you loose a lot in a single game. Imagine playing them over and over!

Tonight we will go for Settlers of Catan board game, my first time wheee~!

Anyways, since it is the New Year and for my first post in 2018, I thought I should share my New Year Resolutions for 2018:

1) Continue to enhance my personal finance management knowledge
Idk but this has been a topic I have been obsessed with! Plus, I am sick of reading novels or self-help books, they're all the same!

2) Shop and spend less, hopefully!
I came to a realization that I am too lucky and have way-y-y too much things for a single lady and I don't need more.

3) Continue to work to be a minimalist
About time I use up my stacks of hair products and masks, yo! Plus, I have been recycling my clothes or giving them away. Exception for photography stuffs _ my existing cameras can stay and I want a DSLR this year! Maybe clothes too for as long I wear them again and again. I have both history of getting more than I need and at the same time I do have clothes I can wear for years! So the former gotta go, the latter can stay.

4) Save $$$ so that this year I can bring my parents on a vacay
Tjhis has been on my mind for years! I think by now I've been doing enough trips on my own and with friends. I STILL want to do that (Japan, I miss you so much!) but think my parents deserve some time off too. I have a destination in mind (my mom mentioned previously), so hopefully by middle of the year I can walk my talk!

5) Work out more
I feel I have been sitting too much from overworking. Since I got two sports shoes, might as well use them for jogging right? I missed jogging! Maybe I should pick up a new workout hobby IDK yet.
So that's it for today~!

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