Saturday, 28 February 2015

Feb 28th, 2015 Another Reflection

How time flies!

It felt like 2015 just whoosh by so quickly. Suddenly it's already the last day of Feb, goodness! I have lotsa things on my mind today, usually so too but somehow I woke up this morning reflecting on things that had happened years ago.


It's 7.43pm now btw and I had spent the last hour reflecting on other stuff as well while listening to music and burning my Peony scented candle. But I'll get to that later.


I woke up angry and sad. Maybe it was because recently 2 days ago I unfriend-ed an ex-bestie for the 2nd time and then yesterday I somehow managed to annoy another friend but for the record, I apologized soon after. Anyway, it was really about the dream I had_in my dream, I was betrayed by ex-bestie who claimed credits to the club establishment and I was reprimanded by our club advisor who weirdly turned out to be my high school English teacher. Yeah, weird stuff do happen in dreams.

So yes, I was angry, ready to defend myself and all. Then I woke up WTF

And started thinking about how maybe ex-bestie do deserve some credit for helping me out with Bunkasai a lot even though she didn't showed up for the event, uninformed. I reflected on how I could have done more, better and everything. But then, being new with leadership and all, you can say I'm ignorant. A friend, Marcus had once advised me not to put up a one-man-show and unfortunately, that was exactly what I did. But I learnt. In fact, the "How I could have done better (as a leader/for the event)" had popped out on my mind every now and then.

Nevertheless, it was something that I am proud of, establishing the club I mean.

And though there are a whole tons of things about how I could have done better I wished I had done, I kept reminding myself I couldn't turn back the time.

As for ex-bestie, I am not sure if I can see myself being close with her once more though I may have wished so at the bottom of my heart. It was her who took the initiative to add me once again as a friend on FB, but her lack _or none_ communication so after made me think it's just pointless. Therefore, I decided to remove her once more. Silly me, huh? Maybe I'll beat myself up for this next time but I just don't know yet.

I will just live for today and everyday.

Which brings me to present time LOL

I am still afraid that I will never achieve greatness. That I will just be one of the many unknown bloggers out there and that I will never get paid for doing what I love. Yes, I want to earn from doing things I love. Not that I am not but I just want to improve myself, be someone greater. Stuff like that. Recently I am thinking about getting a domain name then adding Nuffnang initially. But decided maybe Google Adsense would be a better choice. Well, I am still deciding...

After I have made more research, I'll just go for it!! :D

The second thing that is on my mind is about grandma's passing. I still cry thinking about it. It's one thing that reminds me to seize everyday as though I only get to live for another day. I want to remember this, ALWAYS.

 Alrightey, it's 8.07PM now. Guess it's time for me to blow the candle and read more blogs before I start writing another post! ☆-~(>vO)

Monday, 23 February 2015

2015 CNY OOTD~

Hello~! I'm back again this time with just a real quick OOTD post on what I wore for this CNY.

Starting of with my balik kampung (directly translated to "return to village" which really means "going back to your home/hometown")  OOTD.

#1 Here I am wearing my new Ti:zed Ladies cardigan blazer, Padini Authentic tee, Padini white shorts and Typo duffle bag (old)

#CNY #OOTD Ti:zed Ladies Cardigan Jacket, Padini Authentic Tee, Padini white shorts and Typo duffle bag

#2 For CNY Day 1, I wore this Padini red knit shift dress _ which is still kinda baggy 'cuz I didn't have time to alter it _ and  a cinch belt from Taobao. Pumps are from Jelly Bunny.

I really wanted to wear heels but I'm just too lazy to carry more stuff back :/ And please ignore my messy hair in this pic...

2015 CNY Day 1 OOTD

CNY Day 1 Selfie

#3 For Day 2, I totally forgot to ask my sis to snap a photo but this is really what I wore except with the white belt like from the previous photo instead of the mustard one. I bought 3 colors (the other one is black) from the same Taobao seller (⌒▽⌒)

#CNY #OOTD Miira Mew Dress, Taobao belt

OK, last OOTD photo. Yea, this is a really quick post ( >__< )

#4 On Day 3, I wore this Nichii lace dress with a matching cinch belt I bought from FBlock. Took this photo from the porch so you get to see part of what my home looks like~


Mom loves her garden and has lotsa plants including lotuses. One time I counted she had more than 20 different plants and over 50 of them in the porch/garden (=v= ) I'm not sure how many she has now but definitely lesser.

I'm not going to take photo of every inch of the porch but here's a close up on what's in my background. Largest pot we have in the house compound for lotus which hasn't flower yet and you can't see them but we have guppies in there too.

around the house~~

Selfie-d beside several pots of mom's new addition for CNY LOL

another selfie~Okiee, and last photo for today~ Not a CNY OOTD but something I wore today (^v<)-☆

#5 MANGO basic tee (old) and Taobao marble print skort

#OOTD Mango basic tee and Taobao marble skort


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