
Thursday, 9 December 2021

my minimal wfh desk setup

Hi y'all! I'm back with another video, this time sharing (mainly) my new hauls from IKEA and a reveal of my wfh office desk setup! My desk has changed a bit since the start of the pandemic. Mostly I have been minimalizing and not into too many decor items because I don't like the cluttered feel.

One of the highlight is my new office chair. I have been considering of getting one since last year when there were no sign of the lockdown ending soon. Also, the brand I was eyeing is about RM400-ish which is why I contemplated. But the particular shop I saw online offers color customization so you can get more options than the usual black or blue office chairs. 

Then only a few weeks ago did I came across the FLINTAN chair while I was window-shopping and love it! Obviously a lot other people love it too it is out of stock. I was keeping an eye for it and ordered the same day I received the email notification that it is restock. It was a good idea because a few days later the site shows that the Flintan chair is once again low in stock in the IKEA branches around Klang Valley. 

I bought online because I thought it'll be more troublesome to get it on my own. Together with the other item I ordered, the parcel is about 20kg yikes!

So far, I've only use this chair for less than a week but have been loving it! Mostly because of how aesthetic it looks without making my room feels like a work-work office. I need the workplace separation feel. The other reason is because it is way-y-y more comfortable than my stool (also from IKEA) that obviously isn't made to sit on for too long hours! My legs and back aches have suddenly been relieved like OMG should have gotten a chair earlier.


If you like the video, do give it a thumbs up! Also subscribe to my channel if the contents I make is what you're into~~ I'll see you in my next!

Thursday, 11 November 2021

More October hauls!


I wasn't expecting to shop so soon but then I ended up getting a few more stuff! 

The weather was getting very hot in October so I bought some ice moulds thinking I could make aesthetic (woops!) drinks with them. Besides that, I took into consideration on other stuff like how the square ice moulds would be great to freeze some ingredients which couldn't last long. Considering I have been cooking more and starting to learn how to store my foodstuff so that they won't go to waste. 

But *smack head* just when my ice moulds arrive, the weather did a 180 degrees and I didn't have excuse to make ice cold drinks on such cold days... Even my ice cream bucket was left untouched for many days before I'm just like whatever brain freeze, brain freezelah

Together with those, I bought a few things I have been considering for awhile. With exception for the foldable mobile holder which was a splurge hahaha. Turned out to be so versatile and I like it a lot!!

 None of these are sponsored items but the links below are affiliate links. Appreciate the support if you use them (*^-゜)v

1. Cubes ice cube silicone mould  ShopeeMY

2. Sphere ice cube silicone mould  ShopeeMY

3. Silicone cable ties  ShopeeMY

4. Juice Cup portable blender ShopeeMY

5. SuperDry Capri  ZaloraMY

6. Boya BY-M1 Lavalier Microphone  ShopeeMY

7. Foldable Mobile Phone Holder  ShopeeMY

Thursday, 28 October 2021

EP16 Buying from small biz (Bake It Up, Flavoursome Homemade, Offline Baking Chic)& online groceries


In this video, I'm sharing the specialties from the small F&B online businesses I ordered from and some of my online groceries hauls. I started relying more on online apps to get my groceries as the cases worsened. Thankfully, logistics are much reliable and there are so many options available! This is not a sponsored video.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

my new baby ;D

Yeap, I got myself a new camera~! (*°▽°*)♪

my new toy #casio #zr1200

I've been wanting to get myself one forever!

And, you know what? I got this camera online from Lazada!

Online shopping is sorta a no big deal for me considering I buy lotsa clothes online but buying a RM800++ camera online is definitely the first. Risky option too considering I don't have the option of testing the camera and I had to pay upfront, no COD (>Д< ) Initially I was very paranoid thinking what if the camera didn't arrive or what if it has defect and all. I asked my sibs and they assured me they and some of their friends had bought items costing hundred over ringgit from Lazada before and they didn't seem to have any issues whatsoever.

I went ahead and tried anyway, since the price of the model I want is lower than retail price. I doubled, tripled check _ actually I checked half a dozen times _ to make sure the seller I got from have good ratings before placing my order.

Thank goodness it arrived exactly 3 days and in good condition to boot!ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ So happyy~~

These are the items that came in my parcel.

my haul from Lazada Malaysia


casio #zr1100 a.k.a. #zr1200

#zr1200 camera

My only complain is that I didn't get a Wifi card. Apparently they'll provide you with one if you buy them in retail stores but that also means you have to pay the retail price which for this model will cost you RM1400++, I checked. And oh, the camera bag's quality is so-so too. But for the price I'm getting the entire set, I guess I'm not in the position to complain too much? LOL

I've been testing my camera now and then ever since I got it and so far so good! Loving quite a number of this camera features. Would love to share more about them but I guess I'll be leaving it for another blog post ☆~(≥vO)

Alrightyy, for now, good night!

Friday, 18 April 2014

April Beauty Hauls & My Favorite Brand


Sorry for the lack of post, firstly, I've been working on a lil' project for my blog which I have been putting off since I started my Japanese lessons last year. This one I shall elaborate further only in another post very soon!

Second, class had just resumed last week and though I find myself having to revise more often (because it's getting really tough! むずかしいになるよ!) but I really am enjoying it. There are more new faces in the class but I'm glad most of the people I know from the previous class are still around. They're a fun bunch to be with(*⌒∇⌒*)

I'm getting way-y off topic from what I'm suppose to be writing about so let me get started with my recent beauty hauls.


April Hauls Spotlight on Hada Labo & Dove
(1) Re-stocking my favorite HadaLabo Moisturizing lotion, which came together in a pack with the Hada Labo Moisturizing Face Wash which I haven't tried before.

(2) HadaLabo Rose/Deep Moisturizing Hand Cream, the first range of non-facial care product from HadaLabo that I've just noticed recently. Decided to get it because the skin on my hands been peeling a lot lately... :(

(3) Dove All Day Repair Cream and

(4) Dove Nutri-Oil Serum I am trying to take care of my mane LOL

April Masks Hauls from Guardian & Hada Labo

(5) Different facial masks I bought from Guardian and a Hada Labo Moisturizing Face Mask complimentary from my previous Hada Labo purchase ( ⌒o⌒)

Lotsa HadaLabo products because it's my favorite brand! I've tried other brands before of course, but find that this one really compliments my skin well. Here's the entire collection of Hada Labo products I have right now. Yes, I am OBSESSED with their products!

Everything Hada Labo, my FAVORITE brand!

I have written about the products before and you can read them here. Will definitely share my opinion on the hand cream some other time(⌒▽⌒)

Now, who else's a fan of HadaLabo?

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