Saturday, 11 March 2017

Purikura: Lovelizm, again!

Yuppie! Just had another Purikura sessions with a different bunch of friends two days after I just had a separate session. That's what you call obsession LOL. I'm just going to jump straight into the pictures we took because I've reviewed this machine in my last post which you can find in the 'How To' tab at the top of this blog.

Because I has been trying out different purikura machines since last December, I'm sorta the pro in the group among my friends who only played purikura once or never at all. Still, I wasn't prepare for this because they're one rowdy bunch. Chaos was the word my friend used to describe the situation LOL. It was chaotic but crazy fits them better, I tell you! In the photos first two photos, we look fully unprepared and some MIA-ed in some shot hahaha.

Went a bit over with the stamps and was messing around with the guys' face hahahaha

I found a cool feature _ contact lens, yo! Somehow here I turned heterochromia (≧▽≦*)

We accidentally picked the frames with this girl (who is she?!) in the middle so my friend here got hidden...


The next session are just between us girls and another friend joined in. This time we picked the 4x close up shots with 2x full body shots. Like every other machines, you'll get a bonus shot.

Girls just wanna have fun, yo!

OOTD shot! Why did everyone choose to wear black today?!

Here are all the prints from Lovelizm to give you an idea of the different print sizes. You're welcome.

Can't wait to try new machines soon!

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