Saturday, 30 June 2012
Biore Aqua Rich Watery Essence SPF50+ Review
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Mori Girl Inspiration
Saturday, 23 June 2012
my very first sponsor!
My very first sponsor!!!
Many thanks to
Friday, 22 June 2012
ViVi Malaysia premiere issue!
Went to One Utama two days ago and while I was checking out the magazine stand, spotted ViVi Malaysia premiere issue! What's more, it's in English too!!
There's even Ray issue Malaysia&Singapore edition in English!
Grabbed my own copy of the ViVi June issue. I wish I have spotted it sooner, it's almost the end of the month already.
Here's some snapshot from pages of the magazine~ It's a lil' unclear since I took it with the lousy camera of mine. Didn't have the scanner around... ||,(>.<,)|||
[caption id="attachment_2231" align="aligncenter" width="640"]
[caption id="attachment_2224" align="aligncenter" width="640"]
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Japanese magazine for their endless fashion picks! I can never get bored looking at them over and over again. I wish I can have them all!!
Makeup tutorial~
They're even local entertainment news/events featured in the magazine. Here's one featuring the maids and butlers from Ateliar Royale and MMK Cafe in the then upcoming AFA MY '12! And even a shot of Kaname ♥
[caption id="attachment_2232" align="aligncenter" width="640"]
OMG~! I'm looking forward for the upcoming issue. Guess I won't have to wait long. Teehee~ (>v</)
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Neogence ACE Renewal & Repairing Mask Review
Direction of use:
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Maybelline Makeup Remover - Eye&Lip
Friday, 15 June 2012
AFA MY '12
Feels like ages since I last blogged! Been caught up with work and horrible traffic I spent most time after work sleeping off the weariness from driving. Traffic's so bad a 25 minutes drive can stretched up to an hour! Gosh...
Anyway, here's what I've been up last weekend~
Attended Anime Festival Asia Malaysia at PWTC onday 2 of the event! My first anime event after finals! Been missing out on a whole lot others in the past 2 months (T^T) So here's photos from the event. There aren't much photos since I left early that day since I was feeling unwell and I also filtered out some photos which are too blurry...
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Moekana deck on display!
Definitely can't miss out the cosplayers! Just a handful of photos here tho... too lazy to upload all...
This one's taken at the stage area. Couldn't take much photos since it was too dark (>A<)
Was at the hall watching the performances for the Regional Cosplay Competition. Gave up on taking photos since the quality isn't good and just lie back to enjoy the show. Great stuff!
Hung out at the Malaysia Vocaloid Party booth~ Supporting my M.V.P. buddies who's making their debut appearance at AFA MY '12!
Was resting and helping out at the MVP booth when suddenly the crowd lining up to go into the cafes went wild. Didn't take long to guess what's all the ruckus about. Kaname was there!! So glad I'm like fun size I could squeeze in to see him though on tip toes(>v</)♥
Best shot I could get of Kaname but it's still a lil' shaky... I've got one shot where Kaname was looking directly into the camera but it was just too shaky with the crowd pushing and everything. What a waste. Sadness to the max... (,TAT,)
Other cool stuff at AFA MY '12. Videos source from youtube: